Each year, defective wiring or appliances cause about 9,000 fires in homes like yours.
Recent surveys show that over 2 million homes in the UK need some kind of electrical repair. Older houses are especially at risk.
There are also 2,000 injuries and 30 deaths from electrocution in the home, many of which are DIY and amateur repairs.
So why risk it?
Recent surveys show that over 2 million homes in the UK need some kind of electrical repair. Older houses are especially at risk.
There are also 2,000 injuries and 30 deaths from electrocution in the home, many of which are DIY and amateur repairs.
So why risk it?
That's why the Institution of Electrical Engineers recommends that home wiring installations are examined every ten years by a qualified electrician, and why Carl Noble Electrical Limited is an approved domestic installer of the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting.
Most electrical wiring is hidden, but here are a few things which may easily be able to check yourself:

- Is your wiring more than 15 years old?
- Has it been longer than ten years since the wiring was checked?
- Has electrical work been carried out by amateurs and never checked?
- Do your plugs or sockets get hot?
- Do your fuses blow regularly and for no obvious reason?
- Do you have to use adaptors routinely to run your appliances
- Do your lights use the old, twisted type flex?
- Do you often have to use extension cables?
- Do you have round pin plugs and sockets?
- Do you use electrical equipment outdoors?

- Wiring to house extensions, conservatories, etc.
- Outbuilding installations
- Electric heating
- Showers
- Security lighting
- Garden lighting
- Garden sockets
- Full test and inspection reports